Its always wondering that forging components manufacturers internationally always wanted quality forging manufacturers and suppliers with complete OEM units of their own. In current market of forged components below mentioned 8 Types of Global 1. Automobile (Automotive) Forged Components Manufacturers Yes, Most fastest growing industry requires a daily huge consumption of various automobile forging components like specially in Germany, France, UK, Netherlands, Ukrine and other European countries including USA and South East Asian Country. Suspension Arm – Three Wheeler Auto and Four Wheeler Auto, Cylinder Bearing Hub, Diesel Engine Camshaft, Connecting Link Rod, Connecting Rod , Cam Shaft, Crankshaft, Rocker Arm, Clutch Fork, Elastic Hub, Truck Axle – S Camshaft, Truck Axle – Wear Pad, Equalizer Shaft, Spring Plate, Clamp Plate For U Bolt, Steering – U-Joint any many types of Yokes and Arms in manufacturing of forging industries. Likely most ...